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Volume 42.2 Available Now


Sentimentality & Dogma
Kevin Prufer
"The point I finally came to is this: Despite all the dictionary definitions, sentimentality has little to do with overabundance or contrivance, though those might be present in any literary work. Sentimentality has to do with the opposite of overabundance because it tends to reduce what might be an enormously complex situation or feeling to a single pure channel..."
A Review of Jose Hernandez Diaz’s The Parachutist
Natalie Tombasco
"Diaz deconstructs the American ethos from a Chicano perspective, one raised in the barrios of Southern California. A place fenced off by expressways and impenetrable gated communities—isolated from the rest of Anglo-America. Paradoxically, it is a place of safety, interdependence, and “familial tenderness.”"
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This Must Be the Place
Melissa Ostrom
"But these other elements can’t reach their shining potential unless setting also is given its due. Setting doesn’t merely evoke a mood, conceal a symbol or two, or showcase a writer’s flair for figurative language; it largely dictates the plot through its influence on the protagonist. "

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We reserve this space on our homepage for social justice advocacy resources.

We acknowledge that our Tallahassee offices at Florida State University are located on the ancestral and traditional homelands of the Apalachee Nation, the Muscogee Nation, the Miccosukee Tribe of Florida, and the Seminole Tribe of Florida. We pay respect to their tribal members past and present, to their descendants, and to all Indigenous peoples.


We recognize that this land was forcibly taken from these Indigenous peoples and altered through settler colonial violence and dispossession, and we recognize that simply acknowledging this isn’t enough. We will seek out ways that we can support advocacy for Indigenous people and better honor the relationships these Indigenous Nations maintain with this land. If you have suggestions of advocacy resources we can help share or other actions we can take, please email our Editor.

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