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  • Caylin Capra-Thomas: "Bigfoot at Siesta Beach," "The God of Hidden Creatures," "Lake Monster Family Reunion," "The Beasts of Gévaudan in Love"
  • Kim Hyesoon Translated by Lauren Albin: "Lips," "Weather Update," "Cultural Revolution in My Dream"
  • Nathan McClain: "The Country," "Enough," "'Tired of Being Alone,'" "Postcard: The Obelisk"
  • Amy Meng: "He Tells Me: Come Back When You've Pried Yourself Open," "As If Time Could be Nailed to a Tree Like A Man or Sign"


Gearhart Poetry Contest 2017, Judged by Erin Belieu


  • Christopher Childers: "Three Nails"


  • Jed Myers: "The Truth Takes Lunch"



  • Kelly Butler: "Gentle Things: Artist Interview with Andrew Smith," "Hidden Beauty: Artist Interview with Mark Broyer"
  • Andrew Smith: "Caudal bird. (Your hen sits close, and quiet sharp fills her little lungs," "I found this bird and then I bumped to bed.," "Lift your little hand, she said, help my little legs to bed.," "She carries a knife as a woman. She carries a whale as a wife.," "Can tell, can smell, where the fruit all fell.," "A pair of bumblebirds.," "Digging deeper in winter. (I check the places because sometimes you are there.)," "A spindlebeak bird."
  • Mark Broyer: "Barrier," "Wrong Way," "Dead End," "Garage," "Leave the Lights On," "The Other Side," "What the Fog No. 3," "What the Fog No. 6"



  • Aria Curtis: "Congratulations"
  • Brendan Stephens: "The Waters"


World's Best Short-Short Story Contest 2017, Judged by Robert Olen Butler


  • Elina Alter: "Saint Barbara's Day"
  • Alexandra Brenner: "Shpykiv"


  • Greta Schuler: "Friends"


Creative Nonfiction

  • Pamela Baker: "Montanans Give the Best Advice"
  • William Torrey: "Say a Prayer"


The Southeast Review Narrative Nonfiction Contest 2017, Judged by Matthew Gavin Frank


  • Lee Huttner: "The Stone Grows without Rain"
  • Sylvia Sukop: "Soundings: Field Notes on Communication with Animals and God"


  • Erica Berry: "Crywolf"



  • Dorothy Chan: "Translated by Sue Hyon Bae and Lauren Albin: 'You Gray Thing: Kim Hyesoon and the Philosophy of Between,'" "Snakes and the Forbidden Act of Watching: An Interview with Lee Ann Roripaugh,"


Book Reviews

  • Cassandra Cleghorn: "You Ask Me to Talk About the Interior, Carolina Ebeid"
  • Kenneth L. Johnson, II: "Boondock Kollage: Stories from the Hip Hop South, Regina Bradley"
  • Daniel LoPilato: "Isadora, Amelia Gray"
  • Jayme Ringleb: "Anybody, Ari Banias"
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