- Gabrielle Bates, Art; Adrienne Raphel, Words: "from 'Imogen and the Beginning of Color'"
- Russell Brakefield: "Poems for Detroit"
- Andrea Jurjević: "To the Editor Who Asked I Send Poems without the Word Cunt"
- Laura Cesarco Eglin; Translations by Catherine Jagoe and Jesse Lee Kercheval: "Una noche sonámbula / Sleepwalking Pregunta / Question"
- Cynthia Cruz: "Tagebücher," "The Way"
- Nabila Lovelace: "Hourglass"
- Hera Naguib: "In My Dream, the Mother of Isa Tells Me"
- Carl Phillips: "Skylark," "Yet No Less Grateful"
- Kelly Butler: "Making Something: Artist Interview with Marcus Oakley," "Nightscapes and Cars: Artist Interview with Josh Sinn"
- Marcus Oakley: "Arms," "Car," "Checked," "Hand," "Hand Up," "Hands," "Long Arm," "Headssss," "Looking," "Van"
- Josh Sinn: "Arbitus, "Baltimore 1," "Baltimore 2," "Dundalk," "Ellicott City," "Pikesville," "Pittsburgh," "Towson"
- Alyssa C. Greene: "Sweetbreads"
- Brandi Reissenweber: "What's Left of Streeterville"
- Saba Waheed: "The Magic in the Waiting"
Creative Nonfiction
- Kerry Folan: "Summer, 1986"
- Bronson Lemer: "Battle Buddy"
- Amy Marcott: "The Michael Corleone of Break Points"
- Greg Wrenn: "Trees"
- Dorothy Chan: "Of Obsessions, Fetishes, and Fans: A Conversation with Alice Fulton"
Book Reviews
- Alyse Knorr: "Anatomical Gift, Virginia Konchan"
- Paige Lewis: "Thrust, Heather Derr-Smith"
- Jayme Ringleb: "play dead, francine j. harris"
- Mat Wenzel: "Until the Cows Come Home, Alain Ginsberg"
- Theodore Yurevitch: "Fire Sermon, Jamie Quatro"