(prayer) Salat after read be to Poem
helal marwa after form
money in weight its worth not is Islam Earth on that Seems
heaven into get to is currency the what wondered I’ve
blood is it Islam in deeds good of instead think I
glory slippery suffering red-hued all fight first my after fist my of look The
mother my ghost they how and grandparents dead My
drink I water dead the eat I animals dead the All
metal the on engraved name 15 was I when took I bullet almost An
music dead the and names dead the and countries Dead
to access have not do we languages dead the and
people black my leading gate heaven's white the at Me
feet my at collared Cerberus gown red blood a with
me see and down come to god white a challenging am I
grenades make to angels his training
together cheeks our pressed shaytan with hands left Shaking
jaw my to next sin rattlesnake boney blood solid Him greeting in
genesis quiet of instead violence of symphony a is religion My
violin a of strings the against sits bow a peacefully how matter No
comfort white of sound the to itself tune cannot it
enough soft not is names nine-ninety Her all Lord my of utterance the Even
English in was it when bad so wasn’t Sin Eve’s and Adam Even
white was God the when white were them of two the when
serpent the and white was Eden and white were angels the and
black was
English in was it when bad so wasn’t Sin Awa’s and Adaam Even
white was Allah when white were them of two the when
thueban the and white was Eadn and white were malā-ikah the and
l طlack was

ISHA CAMARA is a poet, visual and makeup artist hailing from South Minneapolis and a proud Aries. Most subjects she writes about circle thoughts and experiences of her identity as a Black Muslim woman and the ways in which she navigates in America, then understanding how America responds back to her. Isha’s purpose is to give a narrative that create conversations supplied with empathy, driven with tenderness.